5 Projects to Improve Your Blog Post Skills

Moti V Purpose
3 min readOct 13, 2021

The great bulk of material available on the internet is badly written. Most articles are hurried, haven’t been well researched, don’t deliver a point, and don’t credit sources. I am live proof that if someone works hard enough, they can dramatically enhance the quality of their writing. In this essay, I’d want to offer my expertise and suggestions on how you may all enhance your writing skills.

Establish a Writing Habit

Photo by Florian Klauer on Unsplash

Create a writing plan.HabitWriting, like any other talent, requires a lot of practice before you can achieve a particular degree of proficiency. As the old adage goes, practice makes perfect.

You should attempt to write every day. I doubt that writing one or two brief 500-word blog articles each week would significantly enhance your writing. You must write on a regular basis until writing becomes second nature to you.

Return to the Fundamentals

Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash

If English is your first language, you should be able to speak and read it fluently. This might be one of the reasons why many individuals do not take the time to understand grammatical rules. It’s not as if you need to know the difference between a preposition and conjunction in order to watch a movie or read a newspaper.

It’s a different story when it comes to writing in English. An article might be difficult to comprehend and follow if grammatical rules are not followed. Because grammar is the foundation of language, a missing comma or a misplaced period will disrupt the flow of an article.

Those of you who have contemplated working as a freelance writer for others should be aware that most website owners place a high value on fundamental grammatical standards being observed. As a blogger, I’ve rejected hundreds of posts because they were riddled with simple spelling and grammatical errors.

Proofread Your Articles for Errors

Every writer makes mistakes when writing, whether it’s misreading a word, failing to close a parenthesis bracket, or omitting a comma. While the occasional error may find its way into a published piece, there is no justification for not proofreading your work.

An article that is riddled with mistakes indicates that it was hurried and not proofread. As a result, you should treat each article’s initial draught as such: A rough draught.

Always read the material completely and rectify any errors you find. Proofread the article once again, and if you discover any more errors, correct them and proofread once more. This procedure may appear tedious and repetitious, but it will ensure that the quality of your material remains high.

Take out the filler

Don’t be fooled into thinking that lengthier articles are necessarily better. It’s pointless to convey something in a thousand words if it can be said in a hundred.

When you want to express something significant, keep it short and to the point. Seth Godin is a blogger that exemplifies this, which is why his books and blog postings are widely referenced.

During the proofreading step, keep this in mind and delete any portions that may be deemed filler. This will make your content more concise and simpler to read.

Be a voracious reader

It should come as no surprise that the majority of enthusiastic writers are also passionate readers. Reading consistently may help you learn a lot about your craft.

Take note of what other authors do, how they do it, and why they do it. I propose reading books on topics that are important to you. You should also follow the blogs of writers and bloggers you admire. This will assist you in learning different writing styles and words.

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Moti V Purpose

Motivpurpose is a boutique copywriting agency. We’re an experienced team of writers who help you bring your product to life with the right words.